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Photoshop Actions
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Image previews are optimized for web-viewing, however, the actual images you will download are not.  They are high-quality images so that you can modify them as you see fit prior to use.  All files are in .ZIP format for your convenience.  You will need the use of software such as Winzip or Powerzip to open the files.


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downloadTextures 2
11 brushes
27.9kb zip
downloadTextures 3
10 brushes
23.1kb zip
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Copyright & Usage:  All tools and graphics offered for download are free-to-use commercially and non-comercially with the following exceptions: these graphics and tools may not be distributed, offered in any other collection, sold, or leased without the exclusive consent of FGC owners.  Any infringement of this copyright can result in heavy fines and prosecution to the fullest extent of the law.  Although link-backs are not required, they are appreciated.  Please visit our link-back page for information.
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